Preventive Dentistry – Raleigh, NC

The Services You Need to Keep Your Smile Healthy for a Lifetime

Preventive dentistry is important to fold into your life. Just like your annual physicals and optometry appointments, visiting the dentist once every six months can help keep your dental health on the right track, allowing you to avoid worsening oral health problems. At Dalton Hunt Dentistry, we offer all the services necessary to keep your smile healthy, including routine checkups and cleanings, TMJ diagnoses, and gum disease treatments, for patients of all ages. Call us today if it has been longer than six months since you last visited a dentist in Raleigh for preventive dentistry.

Why Choose Dalton Hunt Dentistry for Preventive Dentistry?

  • Convenient & Easy-to-Use Membership Plan
  • No-Pressure Dentistry with Our Patients’ Needs in Mind
  • Advanced Diagnostic Dental Technology


Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Two smiling dental team members in Raleigh dental office

The American Dental Association, along with our team at Dalton Hunt Dentistry, recommends scheduling your dental checkup and teeth cleaning every six months to keep your teeth and gums healthy. We will begin these visits with a thorough examination of your mouth as well as diagnostic images, like X-rays. Then, Dr. Hunt will come into the operatory to speak with you about her findings and the next steps to treat any lingering oral health issues. Before you leave, you will receive a thorough professional teeth cleaning to remove all plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth, leaving your grin feeling refreshed and healthy until the next time you see us.

Oral Cancer Screening

Close up of dental mirror inside of mouth

At your bi-annual dental checkup, you will also receive an oral cancer screening. These are short examinations of your lips, tongue, soft tissues, neck, and throat, in search of any signs of this disease. We want to ensure you receive timely care and improve the success rates of any treatments you may need to receive, which is why we conduct these screenings every six months. If we see anything we feel needs additional testing, we will refer you to an appropriate specialist.

Gum Disease Treatment

Close up of person pointing to red spot in their gums

Gum disease is one of the most common oral health problems, estimated to impact one out of every two adults in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If we notice any symptoms of this disease during your checkup, we may recommend scaling and root planing to treat it. This is a deep cleaning to remove all plaque and tartar from your teeth, as far down as the roots and pockets of the gums. It will help slow, and in some cases, stop the infection to preserve your smile and prevent worsening effects.

Dentistry for Children

Young girl with long curly hair smiling

In addition to treating adults, Dr. Hunt also loves seeing children! She offers a wide range of kid-friendly dental services, including customized athletic mouthguards, dental sealants, silver diamine fluoride, and dental checkups and cleanings. Our team is also equipped with ample patience and kindness, making them excellent at helping little ones feel comfortable while they are in the treatment chair.

Nightguards for Bruxism

Hand holding a white nightguard

Do you grind your teeth at night, leaving you with a sore jaw when you wake up and flat, ground-down molars? This condition, known as bruxism, can impact your oral health, putting you at risk of developing other conditions, like TMJ disorder. We can help protect your teeth, muscles, and jaw joints from sustaining stress and damage by crafting a customized nightguard. This is worn at night and helps cushion your teeth from each other.

TMJ Treatment

Man holding his temples in pain

TMJ disorder, also known as TMJD, is a common condition that is recognized by popping and clicking when you open and close your mouth, teeth grinding, head and neck pain, and ringing in the ears. If you experience some or all of these symptoms, we recommend coming in for an examination. Dr. Hunt will conduct a thorough physical of your jaw, joints, and bite to determine what caused your condition in the first place. Once we pinpoint the issue, we can help you take the next best steps toward addressing your condition.